We enthusiastically present to you the 15th edition of Romanian International Conference for Education and Research – the one-day, on-site spring event, organized by Enformation! The Conference fosters an interdisciplinary approach to educational subjects, so authors are encouraged to express their ideas in each paper, both from a theoretical, and practical point of view. Furthermore, we are getting ready to offer at this edition new insightful and exciting plenary sessions enjoying a special collaboration of some of the most prestigious International Publishing Houses.
Join us on 05th June 2025 at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Faculty of Law - Amfiteatrul I.1. "Paul Demetrescu", Bulevardul Carol I nr. 11, Iași and be part of the positive change of the Romanian Education and Research System!
We strongly believe in spreading knowledge and we think that it starts with sharing experiences and best practices, as well as creating debates with the audience participation. We want to support the Romanian academic community to get access to quality content and to achieve the credit it deserves on the international research stage.
Stay tuned for more #enformation!

About our ALLS event
Organized by Enformation
“Romanian International Conference for Education and Research” (formerly named “Acces la literatura științifică”) is an annual event organized by Enformation, during three autumn days, aiming at bringing together people from the Research and Education sectors. We extended it – by creating the one-day spring edition of the conference – to give a new occasion to all the members of our community to access valuable information shared by our guest-speakers. Be part of our initiative!
The 15th Edition
The 15th edition of the conference will be a live, on-site event. We will enjoy the face-to-face dynamic and we propose discussions around a challenging and complex main topic: Open Science. As always, we design the conference in order to provide students, PhDs, teachers, librarians and researchers with the ideal environment to share ideas, address various issues and find real solutions for the improvement of the Educational and Research System.
Previous ALLS edition
During the plenary sessions of the previous edition, we succeeded in bringing close to our audience debates regarding the importance of motivation and resilience in the fields of education and research, as well as the positive impact of the interdisciplinary dimension in these areas. Meanwhile, OA and Open Science were the focus of the workshops. In 2025, join us to find out the latest topics and to enjoy quality social networking with academic professionals!
Why is our event relevant
International Publishers Collaboration
With our well-known partners` help we provide practical workshops dedicated to all people interested in academic writing and publishing. This way you have the opportunity to find out firsthand about the latest tools designed to ease the research process, the newest functionalities available for librarians and the tips & tricks of their online platforms.
Open Science
Education and Research Topics
Education and Research remain the major focus of our event, because we consider that they are the key to a better civilization and the main support for evolution! During the conference you will discover updated info regarding Open Science, how to be more efficient in your research process, how to improve your academic writing in order to increase your chances in getting published in renowned journals, and so much more.
International Case Studies regarding OA Publishing
Call for Papers and Poster Presentations
We are organizing a Call for Papers for Romanian International Conference for Education and Research - 15th edition. Therefore, we invite all the researchers interested in participating to send their papers in a poster format by 10 May 2025. The Conference fosters an interdisciplinary approach to educational subjects, so we encourage the authors to express their ideas in each paper, both from a theoretical, and practical point of view.
Transformative Agreements
Special Guest: Claudiu Tănăselia, Physicist, Initiator and Author of parsec.ro
Școala de Gramatică
Social Fabrics Research Lab